Take proper diet
The first principle of health is "Intake of Proper Diet" We suffer from different diseases due to several reasons but their cure is also present...
Always try to be happy
All of us have different problems but the successful person is only the one that can smile on the face of death. "In any serious condition just turn your attention to the God and you'll see your problem got vanished".
Take Regular Exercise
We can avoid alot of diseases simply by taking proper and regular exercise. This will also refresh your brain and make you ready for new challenges...
Be active
Try to participate in healthy activities. Spare minds are the Houses of Devil. So live a busy life for better health
Nature is delightful
Always try to minimize the use of fast food and eat a healthy meal that would increase your mental and physical strength.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Lung Cancer: The Basics
Breast Cancer: The Basics
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Anal Cancer: The Basics